Being around people in Second Life or any other virtual world is much like being around people in real life, minus the added benefit of seeing their expressions to go along with what they say.
It's like family. You may love everyone you connect with in one way or another, but that doesn't mean they won't have quirks or faults that drive you insane sometimes. It happens...a lot.
And you have the freedom to choose where to be and with whom to be there with in the virtual world. You can even choose to be alone, if you wish.
I've been associated with a number of groups in Second Life. It's interesting to see how there's not one single group I'd agree with everything 100%.
But it's nice to see that there are a number of well meaning individuals in the game who are worth sticking around with, who one can enjoy being with, IN SPITE of their faults or quirks, whichever the case may be.
Maybe it's easier for me than some. I'm a natural hermit, so I get close to people without getting too close. I can see disputes and those little quirks that aren't so easy to deal with, but can stay away from the issues.
Real life business being super busy really helps too. Keeps me from relying too much on SL for the little social interaction I do need.
And I do make enough play money to have my own space, so I'm not reliant upon someone else. Other than SL managing to keep the grid in operation, which can be frustrating at times in itself.
I do rent. Not because I've never owned land, because I have. But because renting allows me some freedom to pay on my own schedule that SL's system does not. It just works better for me. And I have a super land group that's one of the cheapest in SL.
I am renting space at markets for breeding. It's a touch cheaper. Thought for saving a few Ls I'd like it better, but find I prefer my own space. And I'm close to the spring start up period again, so I'm phasing out about 3/4 of my breeding spaces at market in favor of adding another plot of land to my renting. This will start in a few weeks. In a month, I'll just have my sales spots at the market, plus maybe an extra spot or two at Pet Bey just because I like to support them.
And I'd like to keep a bit of my distance from things - things I could get into, but choose to just keep my distance away and enjoy my gaming. SL is a big family, and like all families, there's a little bit of feuding mixed in the enjoyment.
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