Monday, March 25, 2013

No changes :-)

The mood has passed, but no changes to my decision.  The only problem I have is in waiting.  I'm not a patient person.  Once I decide I want to do something, I want to do it NOW.  But there's a few animals I need to breed down first.  And that takes time.

Sadly, money too.  Had to move some reserve lindens over for food.  Just not getting sales.  When I can't sell a well bred 10T pony crate for 1k, there's an issue.  Oddly, I couldn't sell a live pony of the same variety as ones that did sell at the same auction.  Maybe it's a sign.

May have to move towards another marketplace too, see about getting my stuff in front of new people who may need it more.  IF I have time.

I came in to BB to quit playing the market game and just not have to worry about sales.  The planned cutback makes this happen.  So I should just stick with it.

Besides, I may pick up another breedable to do later on when I get a few of the RL projects out of the way.

My kittycats gave me a Bigger de Big sized kitty.  That's cool.  Not sure what those go for, so I just stuck it out with a 500L tag on it.  I'm going to try to advertise those.  Getting close to the time when I need to refill the food for them.

Investing...that's my challenge this week.  Not only will I have to use my reserves for food, I'll need to think about the new releases.  Not excited about the min pins, but may want to buy a pair just to join in with friends on it.  And I do want the new KittyCats limited editions.  Scrambled Eggs for a theme doesn't sound too great, but they look really cute.  I was trying to buy six of the LEs for KittyCats.  Use a few for breeding and resell the others after they're no longer available.  Not working so well on the previous ones, so not sure if I will invest that much this time.

I do think I need to get a market spot for the KC at one of the major markets for them.  May go checking things out a bit this week and form a plan.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Unplanned early update...

Wweeellll, Issis seems to be making some pretty definite decisions, even though I told her to wait until this mood passes. 

Last few auctions have stunk for her, which really doesn't matter to her as she's not playing the market game anymore.  But when you add to it that I've been unable to meet auction times due to things really happening for me...good things that make me RL makes one look more at this.

My writing muse has been really going wild.  She's on a mission!  I need more time for writing, specifically writing offline...often out of the house even.  Got some super ideas in the works and some others cooking.

And it's caused Issis to speak.  The BB cutback could be more drastic than believed.  For awhile anyway.  She's talking of getting down to just a load of shibas and a load of chis.  And taken that break she spoke of before.

The Age exploration for Myst break?  Yup. 

She's been sneaking off with Thorne already.  They've found an Age with a few inhabitants on it even.  I should stress that Thorne is not in relationship with Isis.  But he and Elpis are working separately for a year...they've had some troubles and have decided to take a relationship break and concentrate on their own lives for a bit.

Sneak peek from the creator of this series, me...This is only temporary.  Elpis and Thorne will stay together.

My back's better.  Not sure about long walks again right away, but I do have full range of motion back.  Yay!  Still have bad times - last night was one.  Lost lot of sleep and when I did, I was in pain in my dreams because of it.  Still very much improved though. 

Restructuring my RL business to attract clients higher up on the food chain.  Need to take internet play time off for that now too.  Good things coming there.

Spring Fever and Blah...

Trying really hard to not do anything on the cutback work today.  I'm tired, feeling blah, and emotionally bored with things.  Never a good time to decide who to keep and who not to...I always have an urge to heaven all and just start over.

Spring fever.  Need my sunshine and warm weather back instead of clouds, cold, and inches of snow.

No buying power for me today, but I took a panel anyway.  Feeling blah enough I may have to lay down and just listen mostly.  Trem's voice is good for those moments. :-)

I am thinking making a sales area for my saved epics though.  May do that when this mood passes.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Restructuring the farm...

My cut backs on the breedables continue.  No progress on the store's marketplace set up, but probably not a bad thing.  Sounds like it's been acting up, so waiting a week or so to start that is best maybe.  I've changed my signs to give out notecards on my forthcoming changes.

Still need to do a planned head count so I know exactly.  Sort of planned it out where I'd be down to around 20.  Versus 150-250 that I've ran through cycles.

I'm happy with my cutback, although it will be less buying power on my part.  But I'll have my moments and those times will be all that more fun because of it.

SL is making it easy on me to stick with my decision.  Been too infuriating to deal with their system and stay inworld too much this week. 

Do think I'll switch to my 4T ciel 6T promising pair that Gwen and I teamed up on haven't been doing their job for me.  May take them to auction.  I'm sure Gwen won't object to making more food money.  Unless she would rather take them and get rid of a few others that aren't working for her instead.

After reseeding and using six seeds, the rosa making pair refused to give another rosa.  So I gave them back to Smmu.  And right away they give her a rosa.  Darn rats.  Thinking I should just give her my rosa, since she evidently has the rosa charm.

Zeonies are doing good.  Made it up to 8 traits. 

When I can buy at auctions, I'll take the non selling 10T ponies.  Build up a stock for when Ozzie quits being so stingy with the 11th trait.  LOL  I'll breed some for myself and have some stock built up for resales to raise food money, and help others get their 11T.

Testing a Biobreeds adoption and rescue area at my home parcel while I don't have time to do much in world.  Started it off with 12 starter ponies I won't be working.  Healing them and offering them for 0L.  When they're healed I'll heaven what's left and put out something else.

Keeping the land in InWorldz.  Good escape for when I need a quiet place for texture work and a simpler grid that's not all F-d up by incompetence to chill out on. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Not helping much...

Besides SL's crappy performance, there's a few other things boring me....

Gosh, hate to say it...but getting 10Ts in ponies isn't so much fun anymore.  Partly due to the fact we're in the slow time of the selling cycle now.  They're building up faster than I'm selling them.  I've picked up all but one set, and birthed a few next generations while it's no biggee to wait for them to grow.  Getting a little tired of waiting for the 11th trait, and for the exotics.  Beginning to wonder if I'm better off just picking all ponies and zeonies up and taking a break until they get around to the promised releases.

Related to that...think I'm going to set up a very cheap adoption area for some of my stored critters.  They're a bit too good to heaven, and I really don't care about the money.  And I don't sell enough to hurt the market...this would be away from the marketplaces anyway.

Think I was wrong about Kittycats specials.  I used to get the special drops, and usually one. So I thought it was set so that each breeder would get one, but last few times I haven't.  Only have three pairs going now and this time I saved them all to get the st paddy edition and didn't get one.  Again, like the last time.  Bit of a bummer.  Kinder dashing my enthusiasm for breeding them too.

Also don't see anyone selling RFL editions this cycle.  This cycle of RFL teams started March 9th.

Don't see where Amaretto is doing any, so not feeling any regrets there.  They're doing a lot of community building, but still get the feeling they're all about the money.  That may be out of necessity though...with that lawsuit crap they had a lot more to deal with than other creators.

Oh, and Biobreeds still rock.  Another example came this week of a change in procedure being done.  Because people didn't like how it was being done before.  Love how they listen and care.  :-)

Suspecting RFL editions will be on the next cycle of RFL fundraising later this year.  Hope so.

SL nice word for it...

Wishing I could do some of my maintenance today, but restarts are going on and my main avi can't even log in to take care of pets until after they're finished with inventory maintenance.  Beginning to wonder if I'll get to sign in today...

My friends in SL will relate to this post from another blog...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Atrus's Lil Blue and store update

I posted an update to my store's Facebook page about moving to just being on the marketplace in about a month's time.  I'll keep the FB page going and post to it for products.  SL isn't worth spending money and time on for me anymore, and I've got a ton of RL writing, jewelry, and art projects to get done between now and November.

Just will keep a few spots at Pet Bey sim and will breed just enough to participate in auctions.  Planning a big sale down soon.

My pure Lico Pepi line breeders that I am keeping decided to go blanco with a really cool pup.  Don't need another male but birthed I have to decide if I'm keeping him or not.  Shouldn't, but he's pure Pepi line.  LOL

Mother: IC Yeesha
Father: IC Atrus

Coat: Blanco
Ears: Normal
Eyes: Smoky
Tail: Normal
Shade:  Ciel
Grand: Thinker (h), Amor (b)

Friday, March 15, 2013


Okay, time to be honest here about things that I'm also being honest with myself about during this down time.

SL sucks.  I've been with it for six years and I've seen advancement, but no real improvement in how it's ran or maintained.  I'm wasting my time and Lindens there.

It's the people that have kept me going.  They're what counts.

But building...I've been moving towards making things in Real Life more instead.

Time priority...I'm getting less and less time in world as things improve socially for me in Real Life.

Time for a major change for me...

Myst - love my family, but think I'll find them in the game and hang out there more.

Writing/Publishing - may do something monthly in world for that.  Maybe rent a cheap advertising shop for it somewhere.

Building/Store - think I'll put my store on marketplace, rent a small store from the mall for a freebie or dollarbie store, and give up on the full store.  It's fun and I love it but don't have time to play with it.

Breedables - eventually over the next month, will cut back to what I'll keep at Pet Bey and P&M, and attend auctions to hang out with folks I like.  I have tons of crates to sell and can get back into "trading" by buying from auctions and reselling those.  Help my friends out.  Which is what I like.  I find that lately I can't buy stuff because I'm too full with my own breeding.  If I cut it down, I can help others out more...I think.  My support to BB directly will be investing in the epics and new releases.

My own breeding rotation will be fast and furious.  Picked up like 50 licos to start this.  Breeding six at a time now for long enough to make the next six.

Sigh....wish I had more time to do it all...there's so much in world and in Real Life I'd like to do.  I need a few more of me.  LOL

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Little Busy

Real Life is eating more time right now.  I've taken about a month off from my online play time.  Not totally, just cutting back.  In BB I'm letting my shibas finish breeding out of seeds and keeping one, set of Pepi's Licos going.  I also have one set of 10T taos out, Zeonies to prepare for the exotics, and a few side projects.

My food comes from the auction sales and I may only be able to do a few a week for the next month, so think I have my number down to a better level for it.  I didn't heaven everyone, just stuck them in storage.

Not sure when I'll be able to update my blog.  Not much going on anyway.  Breeding is good, 10Ts and Licos producing like crazy, but not selling so well, so the stock is building up.  Until there's new traits for ponies I don't really have anything too new to brag on.

Zeonies are doing pretty good.  Building up my line of desires hair.  Soon I should be able to move to the next generation of those.

The Steampunk hunt is going good.  Not as much traffic as previous years though.  If I get time, I should start a new product line and get it on the marketplace. 

Busy stuff is getting the next novel written for summer publication, work on the winter novel, work on the Myst age novel, work on version 2 of TKQ...and keep the press going...and get a few clients in...and take care of the family issues...visit the conventions...schedule book signings...etc.  LOL

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Steampunk Hunt Time! And thoughts on mesh...

It's Steampunk Hunt time once again and there's loads of cool gifts to get, as always.

I have a mini hunt at my store this time.  You get to find five gears, each with a prize.

I need to be thinking of an Easter egg hunt too...and quickly.  LOL

Thought for the day is mesh in Second Life.  I'm one of the weirdos who believe it shouldn't be there.

Don't get me wrong - I love the features you can get with mesh, and have been with games that are made with it, and they work very well.

But Second Life is not one.  LL doesn't maintain it well enough to make it universally enjoyable to all.

Mesh clothing sucks.  Half of the people will see you as body parts because they don't have high enough computers.  And unless the creator makes the clothing in seven different sizes, forget about finding something that fits if you're not using a base sized avvi that matches the sizes they made.

LL has not provided us with a well managed system that makes mesh work the way it should.  Hence, creators have to work double time to jerry-rig their stuff to work.

No thankyou.  I have enough headaches in SL, in trying to function smoothly on a grid with sub-par maintenance.

It saddens me.  I suspect I will be throwing out 1/2 of the gifts this year.  I don't do mesh, don't wear mesh, and don't let it on my lands.

I'll be really, really sad if breedables switch to it from sculpts...cause then I'll be out.

I do use sculpts, but never for buildings.  Don't believe in using sculpts for buildings or structures.  Wishing the markets didn't either, but I have no say there, so I shut up.

It's my opinion from studying the sims we had and all the testing we did, is that many issues with a sim can be helped by eliminating sculpts and using regular prims for buildings and structures.  And setting as many pieces of those to phantom that you're able to.

And when I do have my public areas, I like to be considerate to the "little guy".  The ones with hand-me-down computers that sculpted structures lag like crazy.

I do use sculpts for items though...pillows and scrolls, etc.  Thinking about doing a line of barn items for breedables that will be sculpt too.