Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Not helping much...

Besides SL's crappy performance, there's a few other things boring me....

Gosh, hate to say it...but getting 10Ts in ponies isn't so much fun anymore.  Partly due to the fact we're in the slow time of the selling cycle now.  They're building up faster than I'm selling them.  I've picked up all but one set, and birthed a few next generations while it's no biggee to wait for them to grow.  Getting a little tired of waiting for the 11th trait, and for the exotics.  Beginning to wonder if I'm better off just picking all ponies and zeonies up and taking a break until they get around to the promised releases.

Related to that...think I'm going to set up a very cheap adoption area for some of my stored critters.  They're a bit too good to heaven, and I really don't care about the money.  And I don't sell enough to hurt the market...this would be away from the marketplaces anyway.

Think I was wrong about Kittycats specials.  I used to get the special drops, and usually one. So I thought it was set so that each breeder would get one, but last few times I haven't.  Only have three pairs going now and this time I saved them all to get the st paddy edition and didn't get one.  Again, like the last time.  Bit of a bummer.  Kinder dashing my enthusiasm for breeding them too.

Also don't see anyone selling RFL editions this cycle.  This cycle of RFL teams started March 9th.

Don't see where Amaretto is doing any, so not feeling any regrets there.  They're doing a lot of community building, but still get the feeling they're all about the money.  That may be out of necessity though...with that lawsuit crap they had a lot more to deal with than other creators.

Oh, and Biobreeds still rock.  Another example came this week of a change in procedure being done.  Because people didn't like how it was being done before.  Love how they listen and care.  :-)

Suspecting RFL editions will be on the next cycle of RFL fundraising later this year.  Hope so.

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