Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Please learn about cache...

...yeah right... clearing the cache is a crutch as a fix-all solution for anything that goes wrong, and people will keep clearing it way too often.

After all this time, it still drives me nuts to see CSRs for the breedables telling people to clear their cache and relog for every little thing.

Yes, the object often shows up.

BECAUSE 9.9 times out of 10, the object will show itself upon a simple relogging.

Wishing they'd send CSRs to the training for this.  If it's still available.  There were classes last year and they explained the whole thing about how clearing your cache causes more issues for you, the sim, and those around you than it solves.

Example one from Nalates
"Clearing the cache should be limited to problems known to be caused by a corrupt cache. Otherwise you are needlessly slowing your viewer down."

Explanation 2 from SL boards

Troubleshooting article on why you should not clear your cache

Something disappearing or not rezing DOES NOT mean you have a corrupted cache.  We need a better checklist of actions to go through which includes clearing your cache as a last resort, AFTER all else has failed first.

Maybe I should ask Nalates for help and get one created.

At least it would help the people I connect with, even if the others telling people in group to clear cache all the time won't stop doing so.

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