Thursday, June 20, 2013

Isis and Elpis report...

ms. isis report:
I'm settled in to the life of a former SL person before I've even left.  In maintenance mode mostly.  Unfriended those I never had close contact with.  I have a notecard ready for those friends I have and will pass those out.
Hope to get my inventory clean up done more quickly than planned.
Trying to think on how to do the KittyCats.  I'll keep the RFL bunch for a little while and give the rest to Elpis.  Debating on menaging most all my boxes...20 of get a 5 pack of food.  Use my dollars up to give her some food.
In real life, lots of file preparations and organizing going on right now.  Creating pdf copies for all of our books and will have our own storefront to sell them at.  The writing is well, but pace needs to pick up.
I have to leave and work with Thorne on a new age exploration in a few months.  Busy getting everything worked out for that too.

Elpis reporting:

I visited Myst yesterday.  Loved being able to kick the leaves around Tolesa.  Not sure what it is about the cavern and ages but visiting there always recharges me, and the sounds are so soothing.  I need to go visit Shroomie yet.  I hope to get time today.

Finally working down the chis a bit.  The extra low trait ones are getting low on seeds and if they aren't producing then I'm sending them on before they finish the last ones.  Soon I'll have all 3T and higher, and most of those will be OS of the ciels.  It's to the point where I'm done bringing in new blood.  The line purity should be set and okay to stick with now.  Melosa is on her last seed.  She'll go hang out with Pepi when she's done.  She and Pepi may hook up together in the near future again.

My dobes are working themselves out well.  Should be able to lower the numbers by a few this week. All but one of the groups are going down to 2 females and 1 male.  One is fawn with rose, another blue with shades, the black and tan group, and ivory group.  Just finished making the new ivory group and will birth them soon.  I mixed Ivories from Lance's line and my own original line to make them.  I'm tempted to run them again for another round of crates to sell.

Huskies are pg again.  If they don't pass the traits this round, they get stored for later.  I do have a small set of shaded brick pits waiting to use.  Don't do pits, as they aren't as fun for me.  Weird, as I've always loved the breed in RL.  But these were cheap and nicely traited. May as well make some for the store.

Sales are down...have been for awhile.  Making just a little from the two auctions I attend.  Hope I get to have two panels every once in awhile, but the waiting list for The Farm gets long, and people snatch up Camelot's too fast for me.  I know- I could be more aggressive and do like they do, snagging it faster than others.  But I'm too nice.  That's okay.  I'll play at a pace that benefits how I want to be.  If expense is a problem I can always pick up for awhile and breed more later.  Lord knows the critters kick out more good stuff than what sells direct so taking breaks may not be bad.

Watched many breeders post their newly discovered stuff in chat on the exotics.  My exotics and zeonies have proven to not give me anything new.  So I've picked up many of them.  Mostly doing epic/exotic new starter coats now.  They did give me one with all new starter exotic traits for auction material today though.  And one to add to the small group I kept for majesty breeding. From a majesty I purchased from Trem.  She has the jungle red hair so I named her Trem'sWildChild.

Preparing to cross Nik's GS lines with mine and others.  Nik's triple sec has two ciel shaded ladies now.  Shibas are doing good.  Still just breeding to bring out the shades.  Got a 6t twinkle girl from the attempt who just turned adult.  Hope she does well.

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