Well, done buying. For a bit at least. My monthly allowance for food and rent will still be there. For the budgeted amount of animals. But I hit my financial wall and is a poor breeder again.
I'm just hoping I get food money in next day or two, or else the extras at market will have to be picked up.
Even for the WK, the most affordable of all to feed. They're tougher to figure out during the slow times, because they cannot be frozen or stored without eating. I have enough for my 20 allowance for another week, so must do something if my sack in Tuesday's auction does not sell.. They're not included in my monthly game allowance.
Nor are the KC and they're a bit expensive to feed in comparison to BB. I am just going down to the two breeding megas at a time and what ones I can pet out.
Right now they're hungry, but making them wait to see if I get anything today. Set out all my saved epics for 500L...special ones are still full price, of course.
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