Sunday, July 7, 2013

Elpis Breeding Report

Spending long moments standing around Second Life while inside my dashboard.  My exotics haven't shown me their hiddens well enough to super sale them down or heaven the ones not showing promise, but I am setting the sale ones onto the market place and playing with the crystal ball.

Would like to get organized enough to set the ones in inventory to storage too on my dashboard to make things easier.  Lives anyway.  I have so many crates I don't think I'll try those.  Even after heavening I still have 200 chihuahua crates alone.

So far my plan of breeding exotic to pony to bring out the hiddens isn't giving good results.  I've been getting the shown coats only.  Four males working with four pony females each right now.  Hoping four is enough for their hiddens to show up.  Smmubert gave me her epic male to try with the pony girls...he may be hiding the arctic zeony.  But not positive yet.  Seems I wasn't careful enough.  The girl I set him with has zeony way back in the ped, so it could have came from her.

Of the ranch breeder herds, I've found Giraffe Illusion and Reptilia Solarium so far for new coats.  Must think on my chesnut or both are carrying henna, which isn't much loved by me.  Want to deal in moltens from my two main ones, but one is carrying champagne.  Hope it's mom, think it's mom.  Will replace her with a traited female when one of mine throw it.

The Andy gave a twinkle blush Andy.  Figure Andy will be the least liked of the turtles, but the line I started this one with is strong on traits, so may try to work towards the 10T Andy with them.  Just not sure if to keep using the old zeony as main stud or the zeony he gave that a full sibling to the first Andy or if I should switch the females to the gentian, who could be carrying the solarium.  He's also the father to the twinkle/blush so if she's carrying the solarium as her second coat that would be cool.  The next female I make goes to Smmubert.  She loves the male.

Still not a fan of breaking the rules at auction.  Went to set up my Solarium for Monday's and realized he doesn't have enough traits.  I'm sure he'd be allowed in if I asked since he's a new rare coat, but just don't want to be the exception still.  Maybe he'll go in Tuesday night's.

Not sure why, but I've had this urge to put my chihuahua crates on special sale.  So I chose 20 well bred Licorice chis for the Camelot store.  100L base plus 50/100L per trait, depending on who the parents are.  Really good buys.  No takers yet, but only one ad out so far...I'll get it on my ad avi later today.

Seeing the effect that the market slowdown at auctions is having on some people.  They're worrying about selling so they can feed their addiction.  Understandable. Not sure what to tell them.  I've seen these cycles, and expect a strong decline during some seasons in BB just because of the variety they have.  And because it looks like the majority of breeders in BB do not want to play the auction game.

We have seen a lot of new people at auction lately and that's good.  But still the number of regulars stays below 40.  When there's over 5k in members, that's telling me most choose to just be breeders for their own groups or be casual breeders.  I'm sure many of that 5k are alts, but even factoring that in, there's still a very strong breeder base for BB.

Still, I'm thankful for The Farm auctions.  It gives me two times per week I can fit into my work schedule to sell some BB to go along with my direct sales.  Keep my kids fed.

Not sure about getting into another breedable...I'm going to watch and decide later, but I need to stay low for proper time management.  And BB is really taking three spots for me anyway if I think on it.  Dogs, Ponies, and Exotics.  Then I have KittyCats and the Wild Kingdom.

That's a pretty good range and should allow me to participate well enough in the auctions I'm involved in now.

Once I convince those extra exotics to show me their hiddens I'd like to add a few more Wild Kingdom cats in.  I've had one triplet birth from a tiger pair, but now they seem stuck on singles.  Making it hard for me to build up stock for the stands.  I do have two sacks in waiting to birth - may have two more cats from a friend.  If not, I'm sure it won't be long before I have the next two.  For the space I have, I think my happy spot with them will be 10 breeders.  Have six now, so only need four spots to open up.  Don't think it will take long for that.

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