Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Thorne's a pain and Elpis is hooked!

Once again, here's an update from Issis and Elpis...

Thorne and I have been going over the expedition needs for exploring the age Anarouk.  I'm a free spirit.  Just give me the book and let me go where I want and find what's waiting for me.  But no...Thorne's a blasted control freak.

Safety this, and Safety that.  He's all paranoid since Chauncey was attacked in the Age of Shey'ln last month by one of the wild beasts there.  I'm not too worried.  We take two extra scouts with us for the purpose of seeing the dangers before they see us.  I'm a licensed hunter and licensed to carry.  I have a special mace gun, plus knives, with which I've proven myself to be skilled with.  If I'm not able to handle myself in a new Age, no one is.

But he's stubborn.  I needed to take a break so headed back to Second Life to help Elpis with some inventory.  And use her to vent on about this.  No wonder she traded places with me for Age exploration so she could do breedables.  He's infuriating.  Probably worse for her since they're in a relationship.

I was thrilled to see that Elpis did seed Pepi.  He and Melosa look really happy.  Odd to find I don't miss the ranch though.

I am working on an artistic variation of the Frosted Myst store in Inworldz.  Smmubert thought it was time we had one there, so work has begun...

After rounds of boring crates, my exotics are finally starting to throw interesting stuff.  No Leopards yet, which is something I want, but did get an Illusion Giraffe and a Solarium Reptilia.  They're pretty cool.  The special molten pair I was looking forward to so much gave a stinking low trait boring Champagne.  My luck they're both carrying that Champagne.

It seems that males are hard sellers, as most are over-maled already.  And my exotics are slow to showing their hidden coats.  So I've resorted to naughty-ism.  I pulled out and healed a bunch of pony mares to breed the excess starter males to.  LOL I hope this speeds things up.  Anything exotic that shows up is from the male, thus his hidden.  And who knows?  Maybe some surprises.  Most of my ponies are 10Ts.  I'll just make another random vendor for pony/exotic mixes.

Going to change the sales yard a bit.  My vendors are getting very full...we make many more crates than is reasonable to expect sales for.  I have enough crates now to picks up most of my breeders for the dogs, choose two crates to birth from each and place those out for sale live.  When something sells down, I can take out the originals and breed them to make a new set to have out live.  Or if someone comes along and cleans out my vendors.

Of course, licorice chis will still be bred a lot.  Thinking 16 of the 40 will stay out at the ranch, then Pepi and Melosa, and the rosa chi group.  I have picked up most dobies, just the zulu epic's crew and a few ivories will continue to breed.  Of the shibas, 5 will be picked up.  Of the shepherds, 3 will be picked up.  I've gotten the pugs down to three black ones already so they're set.

Don't know if this plan will work or not, but it's something to try.  LOL

mmmm....why is that dude back and trying to get in again?  Thought we had him bored so he'd leave BB alone.  Hope he gets bored again soon and leaves.

Awe well, it's the Fourth of July vacation time, so a short work week for me.  Thorne and I are meeting up for a few days to spend vacation together.  LOL Poor Issis.  Sounds like I need to talk to my man about easing up on her a bit.  He is a handful.  But I love him.

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