Saturday, July 27, 2013

Ready for Patron Auction fun...

The patrons at The Farm don't seem experienced with patron auctions, so I made sure to be the first on the list.  Hoping to show people how they must put out quality product at low prices to have a chance.  Trem is second and I'm sure he's knowledgeable enough to be a good example too.  I like how they made it so more than one person can team up for the auctions.  Makes it so a beginner whose animals aren't producing deep lines or high traits yet can partner with a stronger breeder and have a chance.

I will admit...I'm afraid about the what if situation...if one who most of us never liked the panels this individual put out does get on the list.  If people attend that one, they'll be coming to support Trem and Luna.  I know loyalty is the only thing that would make me attend.  Loyalty may not make me bid though either...unless I want to spend Ls on crap for biochipping.

Been tracking sales.  This week BB is a lot higher than WK.  I expect to see the flip flop effect over time.  One week BB will be strong, the other week WK.  I'm still building up in WK, so not really was down further than it shows because I shouldn't count one sale.  I sold a very special tiger for a lower price of 5k because I wanted to stock up on foods.  Trying to build a safety net for the slow cycles.

Had a terrific picture while waiting on the birth of one tiger.  But it didn't save right. :-(  Flame was birthing and three of the others came to lay with her when she started hissing.  The dad and her mom, and then Tocho the cougar brought her a toy, literally laying it at her head for her.  It was a cute picture.

Watched when Andromeda had her baby and noticed another coming over to lay right with her.  It's funny how that seemed to be done on purpose.  And here's Tocho coming over to his girl, telling me to stay back while she births.

I got a runt tiger.  I don't need it.  Doesn't even have a mate birthed yet.  But just had to birth it and let it grow.  I'll probably decide in next week or two whether to keep or sell this one.  It's in between a baby Jag and adult Cougar.

Hung out with my game family at Wat's Blues Friday.  We were dancing on the tent.  Must go more often.  Lost an hour of chatting due to having to leave the computer for RL issues.  By the time I returned I had to go to auction, where I sold my Snowflurry tiger for way too little.  LOL It was to my breedable family, so all's okay.  Bought another turtle male there too...another male...really?  LOL my herd is so disorganized again.  I did heaven one exotic this morning though after giving the third blasted Champagne so guess it's okay.

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