Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My SL Breedable Mood Swings...

Being brought up in the secondary breedable market in Second Life has sort of ruined me.  All this talk of prices and such...we shouldn't need it.  I don't like it and, honestly, would love to just go through and price all my breedables at 150L no matter what.

And I've been seriously wanting to, but still afraid of who will think what.  Think the few years of dealing with a breedable market where you got hate "mail" for underselling and the time I've had the need to price things higher drilled into me just has too much of a hold on me.

But I feel myself changing...really.  And starting to like the game now.

Like Biobreeds, let's use it as an example.

I seriously am wanting to go through and price everything down to 150L.  I won't.  Because, well, some things I want to stay around a little longer, as they're harder to get and the crate or animal may be of the type that I'd like to use it later, not see it go so soon, or pricing it down may make it look less valuable.  I know, that may sound confusing.  But the fact is that in any market, virtual or real, people associate the worth of a product with the price that's marked on it.

Explains why sometimes I'll price something way up there to keep it around a bit longer - and that's the something that actually sells.

So, no, I won't price all things down to 150L but I won't price everything at the top dollar anymore either.  Shooting for something in between.

In BB, the exotic bred out coat market has calmed down, so many of those are down to 500L base price for me.  Right now, however, I have a sale going on to make space for new stuff. 150L on the crates and animals I'm going to heaven and most of the others have a discounted price on them until I do the heavening.  Not sure when...hubby is off work for next four days and we have some outings with friends planned, so if it's too busy, it may be next week.  Or it could be tomorrow if we're home and I'm bored.  LOL

I also realized I have about 100 animals with 0 seeds stuck in storage.  Well, I don't need them.  I've decided that except for a small few, I don't want to keep lives in storage now.  Hoping to have them healed and heavened or sold by the end of the year.

My October auction will be deseeded animals now.  I took out a selection of dogs, ponies, and exotics for the regular panels to heal between now and then.  And decided to give up some of my special epics for the special panels.  I may not make as much lindens with this plan, but hopefully I'll make a few and provide some of the newer breeders with something new.

Other critters:
WK cats - update came through and they seem to love their toys more.  Sales aren't so good, but hope to make enough to load up the food within the next two weeks before it runs out.
Imaginimals - I think my betas are doing good.  LOL I need to read up on them so I can tell!
KittyCats - got the new free kitty from them.  It's cool looking!
PetPeddlers - yep, we're getting ready for the fish now too
Odessey Seahorses - rather than just deleting the three I bought at RFL auction, I got some food and set them out for decoration.  In three weeks, I'm deleting them and starting to breed the PP ones.  Odessey team isn't active and the seahorses in their tanks were dead.  They only live 60 days...that turns me off totally.

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