Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wee bit nervous...

I worked with Elpis today.  Started transferring over to her the immediate zeony breeders to use with the exotics.  And the dobes.  Just the ones for traits though...the rose ones are on hold.  Seems I bought four males with rose shade when I thought I bought 2m and 2f.  Leave it to me to try to make an all male group of dobies!  Will chat with Lance about possible females, as it was a project I was working with on him, and go through my group of crates to see what females are suitable.

Elpis mooged her tigers for the second time, even mooged the food to be certain.  And they look the same to me.  She'll probably need to get technical help for them tomorrow, as she's not on much today.

Then, I gave her funds for a new plot.  She wanted to expand for a time, mainly to replace some of the crates I sold out on from the cheap bundlers.

Got that all set up and then tried to go to Camelot and it's down.  Not cool.  Making me very nervous.  They did the SL servers yesterday - it's supposed to be the other ones today.  We better not check in later to find all we did today gone.  It'll take forever to get the tickets figured out and filled!

Wish they'd f-ing put what they're actually doing on the blog and stick to it, so we can plan our work accordingly.

If things are gone, I'm not sure what I'll do.  Had one hour sleep last night and not strong on patience today...

Got another 4t lico from the pepi line today.  Yay!  Female.  So she was added to Gehn's group.

I hit 9 traits, or equivalent to it, on the zeonies yesterday.  That was great!  I should have started working on that earlier so I'd be at 10t on them by the time the exotics come out.  But not bad.  Elpis has a really good mix of breeders now to work into the exotics.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


My avvi, Issis, has a daughter in SL. Elpis.  Elpis is taking over the breedables.  I'm worn out, and ready to move on, but my breedables are important to me.

Elpis is starting with the WK tigers first.  I sent her some money to get started with.  (as part of my RFL contribution effort)  I was going to make her start with another plot with her tigers, but that didn't seem necessary.  In light of forthcoming changes, I took some away from the breeding plot and am designing a place for her to use.  The plot will transfer to her anyway when the time comes.

All my animals will transfer over too.  She's going to use the ED prefix on them.

I figure we'll work on this over the next few months and then everything will be set and permanent.

One of the things to go for prim room were the Amarettos.  I set the two LE donkeys out for 1/2 of what they cost at market.  And heavened everything else.  They failed to make it INTERESTING and they failed to make RFL editions...again...which is important to me.

Elpis is going to work with Biobreeds, KittyCats, WK and Imaginamals.

The exotics should be out before the changeover, so that will be fun.  If I do them...may just give the space to Elpis and live the experience with her.  Hoping I get enough lico chis bred down to make finding the room for her easy enough.


Friday, May 24, 2013

RFL time!

I'm getting ready to get 25 animals to benefit RFL in second life.  Hope to choose three different breedables to spread that across.

Biobreeds is definitely releasing epics for it today.  Yay!

Deann of our D'ni Refugees group - my SL family - was featured on the website.  So glad they're also letting people know of our group and of MOUL -   We need more players there!

Smmubert and I are starting to really build a decent line of Licorice Chihuahuas with the Ciel shade.  They're even strong Pepi line ones.

My Quad Mysterious traits kitties are doing really well.  Sales have been good too - they've sold enough to pay for their food.  I think there's going to be RFL kittycats too.

The other breedables I'm thinking of are Wild Kingdom and Mossms.  But going to look around to be sure.  Do have to budget prims a bit until I'm done deseeding my excess chis.  May have to concentrate on ones I can store to breed and sell later on.

Hubby and I are off to Wichita tomorrow for Steampunk Day.  Means I have to finish working and playing both today.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Doing good so far...

In BioBreeds and KittyCats that is.

Amaretto horses is slow going.  But I like having them around, so that's okay.  I should really decide on a specific set of traits to breed for and get the breeders for it.  But maybe later.  For now, I like my chocolate cherry eyed horses, and the new donkey.  Hoping the extra one sells so I can get food when needed.  (not for awhile)

Happy to return to auctions with Lance and Gwen tonight.  Missed them!  Some Fridays could be difficult for me to make during the summertime, but should be okay on Tuesday nights. 

I've had enough sales for food, rent, and to free up enough primmage that I think I can let my 10T breeders back out soon.  Will see how tonight's auction goes first.  Need to pay for the healing. 

Now I just need to get my author/publisher presence in Second Life worked out...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Please learn about cache...

...yeah right... clearing the cache is a crutch as a fix-all solution for anything that goes wrong, and people will keep clearing it way too often.

After all this time, it still drives me nuts to see CSRs for the breedables telling people to clear their cache and relog for every little thing.

Yes, the object often shows up.

BECAUSE 9.9 times out of 10, the object will show itself upon a simple relogging.

Wishing they'd send CSRs to the training for this.  If it's still available.  There were classes last year and they explained the whole thing about how clearing your cache causes more issues for you, the sim, and those around you than it solves.

Example one from Nalates
"Clearing the cache should be limited to problems known to be caused by a corrupt cache. Otherwise you are needlessly slowing your viewer down."

Explanation 2 from SL boards

Troubleshooting article on why you should not clear your cache

Something disappearing or not rezing DOES NOT mean you have a corrupted cache.  We need a better checklist of actions to go through which includes clearing your cache as a last resort, AFTER all else has failed first.

Maybe I should ask Nalates for help and get one created.

At least it would help the people I connect with, even if the others telling people in group to clear cache all the time won't stop doing so.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Market work...

The two sims are in process of closing down.  I got some last minute sales there that covered two weeks of rent for our parcels.  Gives us a start anyway.

I understand.  Lord knows I've been in a similar situation.  Didn't let the drama in, but the situation of needing to take myself into a different direction and close a full marketing sim down I do know well.  (I miss mine by the way - if SL wasn't so frickin' costly I'd have it again.)

As a patron, I don't like how it was done.  No system of proper notification to the patrons who were not at auction at the time.  And then, boom, once the decision was made sim clean up commenced.  Me, when I did it, I gave a week's notice of which day I'd actually start picking stuff up.  This way made me feel kind of pushed off of the sim, although I know that wasn't the case.

I haven't picked up another market spot to replace the one I was selling lives at.  I just crammed them onto our existing spots for now.  Once our home sim gets through tomorrow's restarts we should be able to see where we're at in prim count.

Still get errors on KittyCats there when rezing them, but they work, and I'm testing six BB dogs which seem to be doing just fine.  Hoping tomorrow's weekly resets will kick whatever is out of whack back in.

I do need some space for advertising our personal sales yard and for some crates at another market soon-ish.  I took a small stand at The Farm for advertising for now.  Can't sell enough at stands there to justify paying the higher rates there though.  When Amaretto went through that first slow spell, the owners lost interest in properly marketing the sim there to keep the traffic up.  I suspect they just wanted a less-work area to sponsor the auctions on and to get out of the market sim situation.

Bought a Valentine husky for 900 and sold my other one for 2k.  Not bad.  Hoping I can get a system of buying and reselling epics others out and be able to play the game without increasing my prim counts and costs.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

No markets until...

...not sure when.

Checked in yesterday to find my one good selling stand's rental box locked down.  Most on the sim were locked.  No notices.  I posted here voicing how I was a bit ticked off at it, then deleted it in case it was a mistake.

And today...the other sim's boxes are locked.  Evidently not a mistake.

Makes it look like to me as if the drama isn't over, but also coming to an end, along with the sims.

I'm sure the word was given at the auctions, but until the official word is given to the rest of us not there, I don't know what's going on.

I did try to ask in the one land group yesterday and no one answered.

And I find the lack of notices to the patrons a bit rude...inconsiderate.  I'm not there because the owners throw money around generously to fund the sim and breedable operation.  I'm there to be where I fit in and can get respect.  This doesn't make me feel the respect.

Dealing with allergy headaches, so just trying not to think on it until I can find out more.  Waiting for ones I connect with to be inworld to talk to - one's sick and the other is working overtime.  And waiting for my land boss to get in.  Don't feel like picking up the excess to go hungry in inventory so will get a temporary small plot until I sell down so many of my epics.

I'd leave them a message but SL hasn't allowed my offline messages to get through in over a year now.  Remind me why I'm still on this grid again??

Will bop over to InWorldz and leave my ranch partner a message.  Messages get through there still.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back again...

I was gone for six days for family needs.  Came back to find out that the temporary fixes at the BB areas were just that...temporary.  Our auctioneers are setting up their own place now, and that's where I'll be going to auctions. 

I may still do The Farm to hang with some of the old gang who do not go to the new place....and listen to Trem's so-very-nice voice. :-)  Not sure of my schedule though...may have time for both of them during the week or may have to just do one.  We'll have to see.  Will try to do both if possible.

This change will increase my expenses a bit.  I've given in to that fact...that I'm either to continue with breedables and take on the extra expense or just heaven them all and be done with it, and with my Issis avatar.  While I can manage it and while I can go to auctions to make lindens for it, I'll take the expense on.

Smmubert and I have decided to return to our old ways...of having our own personal sales yard again.  Sure, we have to work to make sure traffic finds it, but we know it's there for as long as we want it, can put out whichever breedable we wish at whatever price we want, and no drama.  We, the owners, treat each other right and take care of our own.  Oddly, it seems difficult for others to follow that rule and not let the criers prevail.

*shrugs*'s just pixels.

Took six sets of Cinco chis.  Didn't think I'd skip the chis now, did you?

Amaretto put out donkey les for Cinco, so I had to get a set of those.  Love their donkeys!  All female, of course. 

Couldn't find a notice on anything the Kittycats did, but my young ones were growed and ready to put together.  Got a Bigger de Big and another Crystal eye...want to say sun this time.

Gone six days and only two BB crate sales.  Luckily, I had made enough at the auction before I left to cover expenses for a week.  Hope that doesn't continue or I'll be forced to pick up and only breed a few...literally.

Going to set a lot of my epics for sale at the new sales yard when it's set up.  Think I'm putting in my extra male St Paddy pug for tomorrow's auction.  Try to keep up with food costs at least, if nothing else.