Monday, June 17, 2013

Been good and bad all around

In breedables...
Had numerous high traited dogs give no traits or 1 trait crates.  That sucked.

Today was a little bit better.  Got a 3t flare chi.  Thinking of keeping the dad.  He's been good at throwing interesting traits, even though he's not a lico.  I may put him with the rosa girls, since he's thrown one. He's an OS.

Also got  a rose blush ivory dobe from two I got from Lance.  Naughty mix of Ivory and Blue parents, but good results.

There's three or four more after today's auction.  Also the other tiger should birth by then.

Sales have sucked this last week.  In fact, traffic has been a bust for the biobreeds ads.  I'm okay.  My mass sales last week have carried me and I have about two weeks of expenses paid up so far.  If it continues next week may be a sign I should lower numbers a bit.

In Myst...
Got a new laptop.  I load MOUL on it today.  See how it runs tonight during my play time.

Second Life...
Got a lot of drag from Camelot Village that I don't get anywhere else today.  Can't tell if the trees or anything is mesh.  Suspect either mesh or large textures.  Probably large textures.  Most people are not aware that computers are not built to handle the big ones.  Why I compromised and chose textures I could keep down to 512 for the most part on my sims.  Will watch it there...if what they use drags my computer down, I'll probably let the corrals go and just have the store.  Don't sell from the corrals anyway and they're full so they can probably get someone else to rent them.

Real life...
Letting go of frustration with authors.  I have some really good authors with me, and they seem to use their brains a bit.  But have had accusations thrown at me, which I found surprising since I've tried to be so forthright in my dealings.  Not sure how much more honest I can get.

(deleted long winded rendition of publishing drama.  Not appropriate and not worth the time.)

I will admit, some of my plans to move forward have been temporarily stalled.  I have a staff member who has been working on special promotional items for ALL books in our line up to be added for our multi-media marketing efforts.  But this staff member has had a serious life disruption.  I hope to know in a few weeks or month at the most if I need to replace that staff member.  That has me a little worried, but in the meantime I'm trying to train myself to do some of what he was planning.  Limited of course, writing two books, content writing, and non-fiction work has my time very limited.

Still, many other aspects of my plans are seriously pulling forward.

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