Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Figured it out finally....

I'm always asking why in the world I bother staying in Second Life and dealing with their frustrating grid performance.  Think I figured it out.

Life.  And retaining my sanity through life.

Business has been seriously screwed up: having to cut the line-up by two authors for stupid reasons - and I'm a super lenient person (maybe that's what I need to change), losing a staff member to inability to deal with a life event, and living in a very non-supportive area for my business (something that totally surprised me).  I'm restructuring it to meet these new challenges now.

There's never enough time in the day.  Maybe I should break from Second Life for a few days to do such things and then come back. hahaha

Current events.  Overwhelming understanding that we're unable to control anything.  We petition, we vote, and the powers that be in our government do what they please anyway.  Usually they're not doing things for the people, but for their own agenda, which usually doesn't make any sense whatsoever.  (Maybe those shows where the aliens take over the government have more basis in the truth than we give them credit for.  LOL)

And the use of one word or phrase that allows someone to exploit it as derogatory towards a whole group can ruin a wonderful long running career.  And our judicial system allows this crap to go on.

And they wonder why people don't communicate anymore.  It's because if you say one thing and the right person hears it, BOOM!, you're in court and your life is destroyed.  And the press supports such things, making it worse.  They take the worse possible scenario and exploit it to get more ratings for their own media.  Who cares if it's true or not?  It's the ratings that count.

mm..most of us know this as fact.  And we still watch and read the media anyway.  Gluttons for punishment?  Maybe we all are.

And life stress...potential career change for spouse due to the level of stupidity that cannot be fathomed at work, getting my career off of the ground, parents' failing health (all four of them), son's challenges in life, etc, etc ....

In SL, there's so many dealing with the same type of stresses as I.  We gather; we hang out for things that have nothing to do with life to help us forget and rest our hearts and minds from having to deal with it.  There it doesn't matter where you live, your nationality, skin color, sex, or anything else at all. You don't have to think about any of that.

When you're with the right people, that is.

There's a teeny bit of if it my immediate gaming family, but it's easy enough to avoid.  And it's more of a family thing.  And they're a wonderful, helpful, caring group.

In the Biobreeds auction family groups I'm in...none.  I've found that it's even manageable to avoid the drama.  And happy to say that one I liked in the drama group has returned to her wonderful self.  Yay!

Elpis update:
I gots a Turtle!  yay

Hoping the exotics show what they're carrying soon so I can get the population down to my core group.  I've been building up a stash of chi and shiba crates I need more room to birth.  LOL

KittyCats are fairly boring.  They're doing their job, at least the generation strong ones are.  But the LEs are proving to be stingy, so I've set them out for cheap sale.  Sold four so far.  Just keeping 8 total to play with at home.  I really wanted to see more odd sized ones than I have been seeing.  It's just not happening, so I'm keeping the population down.

Tigers are doing well.  I'd like to start another cat going, like the dark coated jags, but prim space isn't opening up enough for me.  These are going to take a bit of pre-planning for me since they're done once they're out of seeds.  Hoping I can sell one of my RFL tigers to someone as a collector pet at some point so I don't have to sanctuary one of them when the time comes.

Shibas - a 5 and 6 T gave a 3T - not a bust, but nothing to brag on.  Others weren't as good.

Chis are down - getting a lot of 1 and 2Ts from the 4Ts and ciels.  Filler for the random bundler.  If someone wants to start chis anytime they're going to make a killing at my place.  lol  But I'm ready to birth and reseed some more. LOL  Pepi and Melosa have been reseeded again.  Pepi hit up a rosa coated great granddaughter this last time who was waiting for my rosa boy to grow.

Dobes - in between growing and breeding time right now so not much.

Huskies - suckers are stubborn - down to two and they're on probation.  Unwilling to bid high enough to get into Triple Threat's line, so probably not going to see that happen.  Sad, really.  They're beautiful dogs, just wish they'd work for me, but 5Ts are still giving 0-1Ts.

German Shepherds - lots of low traits, but tons of double rainbows.  Mix of Nik's line and mine so it's really strong.  Filling up random vendors for them mostly.  Just set up Nik's super stud with white ciels - first one was white ciel with double rainbow male.  It's set aside.  Not sure if I'm going to sell the babies or keep them to start generation breeding.

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