Sunday, March 3, 2013

Steampunk Hunt Time! And thoughts on mesh...

It's Steampunk Hunt time once again and there's loads of cool gifts to get, as always.

I have a mini hunt at my store this time.  You get to find five gears, each with a prize.

I need to be thinking of an Easter egg hunt too...and quickly.  LOL

Thought for the day is mesh in Second Life.  I'm one of the weirdos who believe it shouldn't be there.

Don't get me wrong - I love the features you can get with mesh, and have been with games that are made with it, and they work very well.

But Second Life is not one.  LL doesn't maintain it well enough to make it universally enjoyable to all.

Mesh clothing sucks.  Half of the people will see you as body parts because they don't have high enough computers.  And unless the creator makes the clothing in seven different sizes, forget about finding something that fits if you're not using a base sized avvi that matches the sizes they made.

LL has not provided us with a well managed system that makes mesh work the way it should.  Hence, creators have to work double time to jerry-rig their stuff to work.

No thankyou.  I have enough headaches in SL, in trying to function smoothly on a grid with sub-par maintenance.

It saddens me.  I suspect I will be throwing out 1/2 of the gifts this year.  I don't do mesh, don't wear mesh, and don't let it on my lands.

I'll be really, really sad if breedables switch to it from sculpts...cause then I'll be out.

I do use sculpts, but never for buildings.  Don't believe in using sculpts for buildings or structures.  Wishing the markets didn't either, but I have no say there, so I shut up.

It's my opinion from studying the sims we had and all the testing we did, is that many issues with a sim can be helped by eliminating sculpts and using regular prims for buildings and structures.  And setting as many pieces of those to phantom that you're able to.

And when I do have my public areas, I like to be considerate to the "little guy".  The ones with hand-me-down computers that sculpted structures lag like crazy.

I do use sculpts for items though...pillows and scrolls, etc.  Thinking about doing a line of barn items for breedables that will be sculpt too.

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