Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday's good and bad...

It hasn't been a bad week for me.  I did go over budget on one of Pepi's offspring crates at auction yesterday.  Momentary weakness.  Frustrated at RL work, so I took it out on my Lindens.  And I have more licorices to birth now.  lol

I'm not doing bad on my numbers yet.  Systematically keeping only my project or good producers and letting the rest go.  Only 18 Licorices out now, plus my Pepi.  Then 3 Blanco, I rosa, and 7 other carriers with starter coats showing, including the latest starter pair.  And I put 13 of the good producers and few colorados in storage for future needs.

I may have to think about Mr Boynton's group.  They're not producing as well as I thought they would, not even when he's mated with Miss Brooks.  Maybe they need to age a little to come into it, as my early shibas did.

May be a hit and miss week for my licorices though.  Melosa failed to give one...after 7 straight licorices.  That was a shocker.

The German Shepherds are still reliable.  Getting the double rainbow about twice a week from them.  More often on the golden saddle coat than the white, which is what I'd prefer.  But I'll take it.  Last one gave me my new male to take over for Triple Sec.  I called him In Full Color.  Got a different grand other than the summer, but got the double rainbow with a rose shade.  Nice 4 traiter.  And I think that shade looks better on the saddled coat than the white, so not too disappointing.

In pony land, my pg double dipper moonlight I paid a little more than I should have  for gave a sunlight instead.  Not very helpful since I am quitting sunlights, and she didn't get enough traits from her parents.  But they're there in background.  So I will price her at 1k.  If she sells, I'll recoup the excess I shouldn't have paid for the mom, plus a little.  If she doesn't, she'll get worked into the breeding program...maybe bring out the traits and coat again.

Got intensity eyes on an arctic with haida hair.  Looks pretty cool.  Wasn't sure I'd like hotpink eye with red tipped hair, but it's cool.  He'll be marked for sale or taken to auction tomorrow.  I'm concentrating on desires hair and will emphasize the majesty coat instead.  Called my Zeony barn operation Destiny Zeonies.

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