Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ebony is in Second Life now

Ebony is the real life dog I introduced in a previous posting...

A black Great Dane I rescued from a puppy mill, where she was stuck in a small crate as a 8 week pup.  Kept there until I got her.  Never cleaned.  Never given a bigger crate.  She grew up in waste.  The crate "squished" her.  She had bones so soft she was walking on her knees by the time I got her at six months old.

She was black with white on her nose and chest, and a bit on her feet.  Not a perfect match to any of the BB Great Dane coats, but I have her memory covered.

My danes have thrown a Harlequin, Black Mantle and a Black Night.  All females, of course, as all 11 babies have been females so far.

The Harlequin is called Paisley.  The Black Mantle is Ebony and Ivory.  And the Black Night is Ebony.

Been seeing a lot of new BB people.  Think that's great.

Amazed at the number of KC people.

See more dwindling on the Amaretto end of things.  Wonder if they'll do some small changes like letting people see the sex on the bundles, to encourage more breeders?  Doubt it.  That doesn't seem to fit into their personal plans and if your need or suggestion doesn't fit with their own, then it doesn't count.

I had a passing desire to get into breeding a few of those...but it passed.  \

WK prices are way lower than the creators wanted, but I think they'll continue to grow.  People just aren't going to spend the higher linden amounts for a breedable as often anymore.  Maybe they saw themselves taking Amaretto's place in high dollar breedables, but I truly think those days are over.  You're just not going to see as many 100-400K pixel sales.

As it is, prices really are out there at a level where people may be willing to invest in.  I see this as a good thing.  I try to keep my prices where the norm is, not where they say we "should" be.  There are a few die hard nay-sayers on this who don't feel the excellent creators and the excellent product they have is enough to keep it going.  I don't agree.  The day this "market talk" gets out of hand is the day I pull them from my stores.  Give away to friends the ones I don't use or send them away for points.

Got three weeks to cut back to where I need to be.  It's going really good.  Then I'm going to reassess my KittyCats.  I may try to go further with them if I can.  Prims won't matter with them seeing as the cattery is there to use.

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