Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Little better...

I am anyway.  Second Life, on the other hand, is really messed up this morning.  Even in areas not set for restarts today.  I wouldn't be surprised if they do a grid wide restart day.

Got an interesting fish:
Breed: NO_DATA
Eyes: NO_DATA / Shade: NO_DATA
Fins: Light Red / Shade: NO_DATA
Bubbles: d10b56e8-a60f-a1c9-bc48-93a2b95126a4 / Shade: NO_DATA / Color:
Body Shade: NO_DATA / Tail Shade: NO_DATA
Sex: Male

LOL Too early for pet peddler management to be on, so letting it sit awhile.  The fish are in the sleep cycle so maybe it will connect after they wake up.  Then I'll let Bluntz and Fisher know how it played out.

Still thinking of taking some sort of break in SL, just not sure what kind.  My issue with time may get better in another month or two.  My issue with people may not.  Depends on if we learn to play nice together or not.

I must be odd.  For some reason, I know sometimes things come out wrong and just let it go instead of staying mad.  I was proud of myself last night.  I still went to the auction even though someone had said something that kind of pissed me off earlier.  I exchanged as if nothing had happened, and you know what?  It was okay!  It was fun.  Of course, Lance has a way of making things fun...too fun sometimes and that gets him, and us in trouble sometimes.  LOL  But that's okay.  And Thank God we have someone to help keep us in line.

I noticed other people hanging on to grudges within the game.  Again, I must be odd.  That's not worth it to me.  If I'm going to be that way, I may as well just leave the game all together.

As usual, once again, I'm close to people on both sides of a "disagreement".  I'm used to that.  Happens to me in Real Life all the time too.  Why should it be different here?  They're behaving, so not getting caught in the middle.  Thank God.  Although I still feel it.  Kind of sad.

And I'm anti-sociable.  LOL

Been posting on sales mattering and not mattering.  Makes me look a little bi-polar in the blog.  LOL

Okay - linden sales don't matter, although they're welcome and they are an indication of what should or should not be bred.

Sales in general do matter because, while I love breeding, I would like to be able to rotate out their babies without sending all of them to their next level of existence.  I have high standards on what gets set out and what gets sent away.  Wish all others did too and only put out the top of the line stuff.

Won't happen.  We're natural hoarders and some concentrate on the possible linden too much.  Even I do.  I've been sending BB away like mad and still have folders full of lives and crates.  Can't seem to part with everyone.  LOL

I am going to go through and send away the excess from the sales areas.  4 traited dog crates may go, many good bred out coats will go.  May switch my Camelot store to just selling lives.

I may still hoard the left over RFL offspring WK sacks though and not send them away.  Why, I don't know.  Mine make good enough babies to birth replacements.

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