Saturday, October 19, 2013

Update and Sales Progress...

Not talking about my Great Danes.  In fact, I'm not talk TO my Great Danes right now.  When they decide to drop a new coat and something I actually want, then we can talk.  No treats for them!

Huskies did great.  Changing who I'm keeping again.  The Ciel Twinkle Blush boy gave his shades onto the purple coat which I like better, so keeping his son.  Love Me 3 Times will not go out for sale.  He will go back to the original Triple Threat home.  That line may have been abused, and I may not be rich enough to find them, bring them back in, and repair the damage, but I will do my small part when I can.

This is where I agree with selling higher and sticking to it.  Some got sold cheap and then bred cheap.  And then offered again cheap.  It mucked up the line.

Trying to avoid that with my WK lines...different with this in the way that it doesn't matter what happens to the babies that get sold.  This is my line's status within my own breeding program, not with what's out there at large.

But my levels in the line I'm wanting to get certain things are throwing the certain things, but in level one coats.  So, it's not, "Oh! I'll just save that for the next matching sack."  It's something to set aside and think again about just exactly what from the line to put it with.

Me thinks my plan of knocking back to 10 WK is going to be very tricky indeed!

Sales were good this week and I was able to do a lot of paying it forward after meeting my expenses.  Felt good to be able to do that again.

3k in biobreeds, 3k in pet peddlers, 1500 in wk, and 100 in kc.

None of the strong lined shibas sold.  They've had their boxes so I may super sale them and heaven what doesn't sell this week.  Some of them maybe.  5t will stay out for proper amount.  I'll have to check the lines to be sure.  Thinking most of the lines have been shared enough by now that it doesn't matter.  I want to make room for the new lines I want to create.

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