Sunday, August 25, 2013

hmm...what to do?

Well, I left for three days...over the weekend.  Usually the weekend is my selling time, and this time nada...not one teensy-weensy sale.  And it's been slow with it being the normal slow time, plus a spattering of breeders around me offering the same things for way-too-cheap prices...which really isn't doing them much good either.

We're still in that slow time.  Plus, I think I see this as part of the expected result of LL's reaction to the new banking laws.  Suspected some normal buyers would disappear due to not being able to buy lindens anymore.

So, now I'm not sure of what to hang on to and what to heaven away.  It is something I'll have to think on.  I do know I'll heaven some super fantastic crates, but may wait until they announce what the biochip edition will cost.  If they've positioned the biochip price out of my range, I'll either use biochips for more starter packs or just cut my animals way down to a favorite group of 20-25 animals, which may take a little while.  Still have epics to finish deseeding before they're done.

New breeders need some guidance on Biochips.  I'm beat but need the distraction so I'll try to write something of it here.  No, my dad is not doing well and I don't think my visit did much good.  And when I arrived I found out my favored uncle is on life support, which will probably be pulled within a few days now.  Plus more not so good, and just got home, so totally whipped.


In Biobreeds, you earn 5 biochips each time you send an animal or crate to heaven.  (This basically deletes it from the database, which I support.  Perhaps because I'm married to a programmer and understand this is a good thing.  Getting rid of excess animals also helps the secondary market.)

Right now you can accumulate biochips to buy more packs of Laboradors, Dobermans, Beagles, Shiba Inus, German Shepherds, mixed dog packs, dog treats, the acorn tree to grow the treats yourself, pony packs, pit bulls, rottweilers, and huskies.

You just cannot use your biochips for chihuahuas, miniature pinschers, dalmations or exotics yet.

This is a great improvement since I last looked and it implies they've been working on updating things, which is so good.

To see what you can use your biochips for go to and click on the catalogue.  If you're signed in, you'll be able to see your current biochip balance in the upper right hand corner of the catalogue.

I have to rez the terminal inworld and click it to sign in to the website.  Not sure if you can sign in directly to the website or not.  I've never asked if I'm doing it wrong or anything, and just used the inworld terminal.  You get the terminal from the free accessories pack.

How fast do biochips accumulate?  Well, let's play a bit with that...

Let's say you breed 100 animals at a time.  And let's say you put four females with each male so that each of your breeding groups consist of 5 animals.  

100 animals divided by the five in your breeding groups equals 20 breeding groups.

A female is ready to give a crate every 8 days, and a male can keep up with four females (I can get a male to keep up with five sometimes even, but four is standard so we're sticking with that.)  If I do the math based on that, each group of five creates about 46 crates per year.  We'll round off to 45.

20 groups making 45 crates per year equals 900 crates.  If you're playing for biochips and just the occasional crate sale, let's say you keep 50 of those for sales and yourself, leaving 850 crates you don't need.  That gives you 4250 biochips for the year!

Amazing how quickly 5 biochips add up....

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