Sunday, August 18, 2013

My prices...

I was going to post my pricing guide and I will here in this post still, but my prices may change in reality.  Or would that be virtually?  LOL

My dad's in a bad way and just went into the hospital last night.  My business may not get the attention it normally gets from me for a bit.  Hence, I'm debating going to market and slashing the prices.  If I do, what you see may be different than what I list here.  But this is my guide for me, what the animals are worth to me.  I've picked up most of my exotics to make way for the fifty GS I want to work on, so I'm not in a rush to sell.

If I slash prices for awhile, it will be for 30-50%. Keep watch if you think you may want anything.  I have notecard givers at my stalls and sales yard to get you to my locations.  They're updated...except for The Farm giver....need to remember to update that one next time I'm inworld.


Base Prices Exotics:
New bred out coats -
Stippled 500L (less interest in these)
Golden/Fire Engine Tigers 1000L
Drenched Cheetah - 2000-2500L
Andy Turtles - 800L
Roy and Pablo Turtles - 2000L
Illusion Giraffe - 1500L
Oceania Giraffe - 2000L
Malachite - 800L
Leopard Tawny - 1000L
Leopard Thunder/Xanthos - 2000L
Leopard Alizarin - 1000L
Lavender/Puce Tigers - 2000L
Henri/Salvador Turtles - 4000L (don't have yet and probably wouldn't sell for awhile)

These prices fluctuate based on breeding, traits, and sex.  For some, I'm deducting a little if they're male.  These prices will change weekly based on how I like them, their availability, and my ability to produce and keep the stand supplied with them.

But do shop around.  Some people are very impatient.  They set an animal out at good price, leave it for a day, it doesn't sell and they drop the price.  It's the same with all breedables...hardly anyone wants to protect the sales integrity of the animals by letting them sit at the prices they should be.  And it seems they don't think about the fact that not everyone visits the same spot everyday...or even every week.

Point is...If my prices are too high.  That's okay.  You're not going to hurt my feelings by shopping around for a better deal.  Pfft...don't be surprised when you see me reselling something I bought cheap and putting a more deserving price on it.  I do that a lot when my supplies dwindle.

I have epics out for sale and that's based on what they're worth to me to keep instead.

I have a dozen spring zeony females and 11 4th July zeony males.  Currently deseeding them.  Base price is 1000L.  How this goes up and down depends on how things go between now and the time I'm done with them.

Other epic prices are based on whether I think I'll want to do something with them in the future or not.  Most start with a base price of 3K because that's reasonable for an epic that's no longer available.  In some cases that's cheap.

Not getting into the many long time breeders will tell you, it's a matter of personal taste.  We price depending on type, the line it's from, traits, and our own personal opinion of what it's worth.

I can tell you I only let certain crate "live" now.  I tried to jump on the sell cheap bandwagon, but it didn't feel right and I still cringe when I see crates of any type out for 50L...anything for less than 100L actually.  If I didn't value personal freedom and rights so much, I'd be crying for not allowing anything to be sold under 100L.  All I can say is I'll stick an occasional 100L crate out there for a cheapie, but you won't see anything less from me anylonger.

I can say that the base price I start with in my mind is 300L a crate, then worth goes up or down from there based on lineage, type, traits, sex, availability, demand, personal taste, etc.

WK 500L is my minimum for a level one.  Think any less is...well, won't get into that.  I'll send anything to sanctuary that won't sell for that.  Pretty sure that special sanctuary coat will be worth it in the end.

As a note: I commend WK's efforts at getting people to set good prices.  They really did try to teach 1k minimum to people.  Human nature being as it is though, didn't stick.

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