Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Smmu and I became homeless in Inworldz this week when the not-so-professional landlord up and left without a word to their renters.  Gutless idiots.  All they had to do was send out warnings to let us know it was coming.  At least then we could have had our stuff picked up.  The system still hasn't returned any of mine.

Not sure what to think of InWorldz forum management.  Either there's a glitch or they're not monitoring it as they should be.  My post still hasn't been paid attention to.

But I did find a nice cottage to rent with a nice landlord, who's also a mentor.  Got some of the furniture in and let my llama out in the yard.  Plenty of prim space to use to make one item at a time and store it away for the future store.

I also talked to the owner of Calia Estates about the situation.  Nice individual and she's proven she's trustworthy to me.

Now I need to set up my goals for InWorldz.  New store and the Publishing and Art location will happen.  Going to rent from Calia Estates.  Just have to figure out prim needs, actions I need the land set up to handle, and get enough products built for the store to set it up quickly.

Giving myself two months to get everything I need planned and built.  Hoping that's enough I do this during my play time at the end of the day only, and we have a lot of days over the next few months taken out for family and conventions.

In Second Life news...

Preparing my exotic crew to be picked up and stored away in a week.  Sales have slowed so it's the perfect time to break out all those German Shepherds I want to run.  Well, not all.  Thought I had about 50, turns out I have about 100.  LOL

Think I'll sort and choose my favorite 50 to run and maybe offer the rest for sale.

May keep the turtle exotics running though too - they're totally fun to breed.

Wild Kingdom is at 20 breeders...will choose 2-4 to sanctuary at that time.  Still trying to get that routine of sending 2 off every two weeks to make room for new ones started.  Pretty sure I'll end up with their special edition with my sanctuary points.

Still wish Biobreeds would bring theirs out.  Just keep heavening and hoping....

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